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[FITFIND] Brothers Jason & Edric Lim




When I look at Jason and Edric, I cannot help feeling a pang of envy and wishing that my sister is as passionate as I am about fitness. Both of them not only work in the same sports service company that they started up, they also try to hit the gym together. Growing up, they played the same sports too.

It certainly helps a lot to have a brother share the same passion for fitness. We will discuss everything; from the food we eat to the different programmes and articles we read. This aids us to try out different stuff and consistently try to trick our bodies to be working harder,” Edric said.

He added, “After seeing Jason go to the gym, I joined him when I was about 17. I went along with my brother hoping to gain some muscle so that I will not look like a skinny tall guy. I just followed what he did in the gym then, such as chest press, dumbbell bicep curls and lots of crunches. Till today, we are on the same training programme and we help to spot each other.”

Read more on Yahoo here.